Thursday, December 10, 2009

Fort Hood: What should never had happened.

On the Fort Hood shootings,

First and most importantly let me start by saying that I love and respect to the bottom of my heart all personnel involved directly or in directly with the armed forces of the United States. The events that happened that day are not anyones fault except the idiots who decided to have all the guns at an ARMY base buried in lockers and locked away rooms.

Wait a sec… Army, the guys who kick ass first and don’t give a flying shit about their enemies’ names? They don’t have guns at an ARMY base?!

What the hell is wrong with this country. Those are the people who should be carrying guns more so than any other being in this country. More so than me, or the crack heads who use them against each other every day and night. We all are miniscule in the reasoning to carry weapons. Even the damn Air Force does not need guns as much as the army.

But NO, NO.

No guns, no armed security personnel NO NOTHING.

And now some crazy fucking lunatic, whom I hope hell exists for the mere fact that it gives him somewhere to burn, shot up 40 some people. Wow, what kind of pathetic shit is it that we have such a big strong army who can go across seas and kick everyone’s ass yet we are vulnerable to someone…

SHOVING A GIANT DILDO IN OUR ASS. Literally, we were attacked from behind, from the stupid betraying little terrorist bastard. I don’t even speak his name cause it gives him too much credit. He deserves not a name. He is just SHITBAG.

The saddest part behind the whole ordeal is that the only person who stopped this whole thing was one badass chick police officer. She is a damned good hero but its unfortunate that it had to happen in the first place..

What should have happened?

Pretty fucking simple to tell you what should have happened. The armed security officers employed by the Army that SHOULD have existed SHOULD have taken their big assault rifles and SHOULD have shot captain Shitbag in the head ten seconds into his parade of violence. Sadly he was allowed to go on for minutes and minutes inside a damn ARMY base on a rampage.

So what… we lose a deranged lunatic that wanted nothing more than to bring the country down anyway.

Now the saddest part is that this mother bitchass has the audacity to live. Who’s paying for his hospital stay? OH YEAH… Your and Is tax dollars. Who’s paying for his prison cell and food? ONCE AGAIN Your and Is tax dollars. Sad and pathetic. Put a $3 round into his head you bought at Wal-Mart and call it a damn day. Why are we going to bother keeping him alive?

He’s probably just crazy and with the proper therapy he will be ok. Just put him into an institution and spend thousands of our tax dollars to make him live a life he doesn’t even really want. Seriously, to all government officials: WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?

This situation is pathetic and stands to further the fuel for the fire of a laughing stock this country has become to our neighbors in this world. It is sad. We our the strongest most awesome country. America. Fuck yeah. Give me a break.

Just sad. Really. Think about it. Think about how different it would have been had there have been a cycled armed security. 9/11 proved just how vulnerable we are. This second internal attack should set in stone how screwed up the logic of our “leaders” is. Doesn’t take that much thought to have armed security at an army base.

To all those who have suffered and lost thanks to this attack, bless your family and whoever was injured or killed during this. The anger you feel needs to be channeled into revolution. Change the system. You and I both know that it never should have happened. Remember the ones who let this happen… those we trust when we vote. The ones we trust to keep us safe from shit like this. Obviously they are not doing their job. Time for change people. All of us. Get these idiots out of their high chairs. They are the ones who belong in mental institutions… Not terrorists.

Terrorists belong… what’s the saying? Oh yeah… DEAD.

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