Sunday, December 13, 2009

Profiting from the Good Well Being of Each Other...

A very sensitive and big subject I have always had locked away in my mind is the premise behind health care. We as humans are so blind we have decided to create a multi billion dollar industry out of fixing our own organic flesh and bones.

I know that this has come to far to do anything about it as it now has a staple in all parts of the world but it still should be talked about due to the utter sadness of it. Think about the rich white collar exec's profiting off broke middle class citizens... and for what? Cause you broke your bone at a football game? Cause your 90 year old grandmother is stricken with cancer and the only way to keep her alive for a few more months is to spend tens of thousands of dollars on chemo therapy and God knows what other treatments.

Some sick bastard decides to become rich and make an industry out of this? How sick is the human race? We should put a price on fixing our fellow people? How can we ever expect to make anything out of this life if we are hampered by dumb shit like this.

Lets not forget the laws protecting us from monopolies. They should save us right? WRONG. Each year my health insurance gives less and takes more. Why? Cause they know if I didn't pay my stupid over charged premium than I could die if i couldn't afford a hospital stay.

Shoot me three times in the leg and drop me off bleeding at the hospital door step. No insurance? They would probably let me bleed to death. No one gives a flying fuck about you or your health. They only care about profit. MONEY MONEY MONEY. Who gives a shit where it comes from as long as you're rich right?

All the people in the world like me who work our asses off and pay 20% of our pay to health insurance should be in an up roar, but we cant. The evil monopoly man has sent us to JAIL. We need him to live a healthy life and not be completely bankrupt. They will just keep us right on the borderline of bankrupt and insanity. I'm telling you now, I'm walking the tight rope and I don't have that good of balance.

Take my present day health care... the NEW system we just issued at work. Now we have a deductible to fill first. They make it all so easy though because they give us our own bank account and automatically deduct pay from our paychecks to help reach that premium. Oh yeah... forgot to mention... For me, a single adult, my deductible is 1200 greenbacks. Only after I reach that do I just have to pay my co-pays which i should also mention have increased since last plan.

Back to the story about the bank account they have issued to make this sooooo damn easy and convenient. The lying bastard people these companies brain wash into selling this shit try to re assure me that the money i put in is all mine. Well that sounds great. It is mine as long as I only spend it on health related stuff. Otherwise its penalized and fee's up the ass should I have to use it for anything else. What happens when the bank runs into financial crisis? Still my money? Highly doubt it.

BULLSHIT. BULLSHIT. Drives me crazy. If my hair was long enough I would rip it out.

Who feels my pain? Anybody agree that the whole billion dollar industry just further proves why we suck as humans. No one gives a fuck about the next cure or next big discovery. The only thing these greedy assholes care about is the amount of 0's in their bank account. Which I can assure you is more than you and I will ever make in our lives. Easy for them to pay a 250 dollar deductible for an emergency room visit, and if their six digit or more salary can handle it than that must mean everyone can.

That's actually quite a bit of money to me. I would be better off to bleed to death or let the cancer kill me... or any other of a thousand things that can go wrong with our organic bodies. I guess that's why the founders of these giant monopolies thought of it in the first place. Hell, its fool proof. So many things to put price tags on. Hey... we are like the walking wal-marts to them. Just profit hanging on every living cell in our body.

Just remember that to them, your nothing but a number in their bottom line. Your life means nothing if they don't get money from it. I hope they sleep well in their 5000000 thread count sheets knowing that thousands and thousands of people lose loved ones every day because their two full time jobs can't provide the pay necessary for the heart transplant.

I'd make every motherfucker in charged of these huge companies watch the final moments of all the people they have killed through greed. Watch the heart stop... the last bit of blood drain out... watch when the pain from the cancer gets to bad the body gets sent into shock as the brain cries out deeply for relief... They all want relief but can't find it because they can't afford the doctor bill. The doctor walks in and asks cash or credit but they have none because they spent all their money in the 100,000 dollar hospital stay that their insurance refused because when they were young they broke their arm which means they are more prone to dying. Any excuse to hang onto every last fucking penny.

Guess what you health care bastards one day your going to die and it won't matter how rich you are. When you cross over to the other side I hope the thousands if not millions of victims you murdered are waiting for you to tear you apart limb by limb. I hope your soul dies a painful death. Maybe in your last moments your blind mind will realize what it is like to feel hopeless, just like the others who died long before they had to.

Keep sucking up your millions of profits you sick fucks.

I'll see you on the other side one day... we all will, just remember that.

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